final fantasy 7 speedrun partie 1

final fantasy 7 speedrun partie 1

Voici la 1ère partie du speedrun de Final Fantasy VII réalisé sur PC, plus de renseignements sur ce lien: br br Commentaires de l'auteur de ce speedrun: br br -- The First Mission --br br Segment 01 -br br First battle went as fast as possible. I renamed Cloud to Andrew... at the time I wasn't considering sending the run to SDA, and I figured it would be more personal if the main character and I shared a name. Also a way to prove to my friends I was the one making the videos. I make a slight bobble before saving, but I had had enough of the opening FMV.

User: Alonso62

Views: 3.2K

Uploaded: 2007-07-26

Duration: 06:44

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