

In the morning br I wake up without you my side br and I`ve been just wake up in dream br where you were holding me still tight br In the evening br I'am watching movie that is coming br but I've missing out of something br I'am alone you're not my side br here in home br and I missing and missing you so br in the morning I could be, so damned glad and live, put the loundry dry in sun, and afternoon I 'am dissapointed again somehow. br In the morning br I thought that maybe we should meet br but then lost that thought escaping br I feel you like a stone in me br In the evening br only the movie is rolling on br but of the plot I dropped away br thinking about us what went wrong br here alone br and I missing and missing you so br early morning I could be, so damned sure I can, put the things allright again, when morning come br I fail and miss it again.

User: Arto Nieminen

Views: 46

Uploaded: 2008-06-21

Duration: 03:09

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