Magic food for kids | English stories for children | Steve and Maggie from Wow English TV

Magic food for kids | English stories for children | Steve and Maggie from Wow English TV

MAGIC FOOD Story for kids! Steves going camping alone and he needs a little picnic ready (in case anything happens). A picnic without Maggie? Could this be true? Lets jump into this English story clip for children with Steve and Maggie. Steve introduces words such as a soup, a picnic, a chicken and a fish. HAVE FUN and learn new vocabulary!\rbr--------------------\rbrWow! teaching materials for kids\rbrRequest books: \rbr\rbrSupport us and you will receive a personalised birthday message for your child from Steve\rbrPatreon: \rbr\rbrFull video clips and songs (Show for kids with Steve and Maggie)\rbrAmazon: \rbr\rbrSongs for kids\rbriTunes: \rbrSpotify: \rbr\rbrMerchandise (T-shirts, mugs, bags, …)\rbrSpreadShirt: \rbr--------------------\rbrFollow us on Social:\rbrFacebook: \rbrTwitter: \rbrInstagram: \rbrGoogle+: \rbrPinterest: \rbr--------------------\rbrProduced by © Wattsenglish Ltd.

User: juanitadeirdre2828

Views: 178

Uploaded: 2018-05-08

Duration: 05:22

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