Brush your Teeth Song Story for Kids from Maggie And Steve | Best Speaking Www English TV

Brush your Teeth Song Story for Kids from Maggie And Steve | Best Speaking Www English TV

Brush your Teeth Song Story for Kids from Maggie And Steve | Best Speaking Www English TVbr br Oh no! It's nine o'clock! Maggie is going to be late for school! Hurry up Steve, come on! Put on your pyjamas, have breakfast, clean your teeth, brush your teeth, get dressed... But wait a minute, isn't it Sunday? What a crazy morning! Let's dive into this English clip story for children with Maggie And Steve. HAVE FUN and learn free ESL English speaking! Magic English lessons are fun.

User: Steve And Maggie

Views: 11

Uploaded: 2024-05-10

Duration: 05:31

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