Woman Rescues Shot Stray Dog Who Turned Up On Her Patio | Happily TV

Woman Rescues Shot Stray Dog Who Turned Up On Her Patio | Happily TV

A teacher has shared the inspiring story of how she rescued a stray dog which had been shot after she discovered it on her patio in the middle of the night thanks to its glistening eyes. Brooklyn Henderson, 35, from Bossier Parish, Louisiana, was heading out to her car in total darkness, when she heard a rustling in the ferns at the back of her patio. Used to seeing wild animals around her home, she decided to take out her cellphone to record what she expected to be a raccoon. Out of the darkness, she first saw two glistening eyes appear, as a black dog tentatively approached. A dog's eyes glow in the dark due to a reflective layer in the back of the eye called the tapetum lucidum. This layer reflects light back onto the retina, which helps dogs see better in low light.

User: Happily

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Uploaded: 2025-01-29

Duration: 03:01

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