I'm So Afraid - A Duet By Diane Marino And Robert Lauri

I'm So Afraid - A Duet By Diane Marino And Robert Lauri

The very talented Diane Marino and Robert Lauri combine their musical worlds in an "international" duet of harmony and synergy in a French recording entitled "J'Ai Si Peur" (I'm So Afraid). The arrangements were done by Robert Lauri, who also composed the music along with Danielle Bennaim, with lyrics by Claudine Marousek-Dornhakl. The Marino-Lauri duet is unquestionably successful: Diane's voice complements Robert's beautifully, and the performance by both artists releases a magical harmony that tells the story of a couple who has been through the ups and downs of life and seen bad times, but who finally has found a love so strong and pure that they are finally no longer afraid anymore. Romantic to the core, whether you parlez vous Francais or not, you will enjoy this emotional and heart wrenching performance.

User: MusicDishTV

Views: 358

Uploaded: 2010-12-14

Duration: 04:33

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