More Pets Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs ( & The Number Is Growing)

More Pets Prescribed Psychiatric Drugs ( & The Number Is Growing)

The Pharmaceutical industry is making $7 billion dollars a year drugging up pets with psychiatric drugs!! Its hard to believe that the greed of these pseudoscientists has come to this! This is absolutely ridiculous! These animals have lived for centuries in the wild before being domesticated and for millenia as pets and have never needed to be drugged up. Someone who is highly intelligent will realize that this "coverage" (which reeks of pharmaceutical industry influence) is really a promo for the quack psychiatrists and the pharmaceutical industry who is in bed with Notice that while they are supposedly questioning the use of these harmful drugs on pets, they are indoctrinating the listener with the false idea that these drugs are nevertheless "good" for humans, and that they "help" humans, when nothing could be further from the truth, go to the URL below to see:br br br I personally find it disgusting that while the reporter is questioning if its ethical to drug up pets with psychiatric drugs ( which of course, any moral person would know is not ethical), nobody seems willing to question the ethics of giving it to humans ( especially to innocent children who are developing in every way).br I find it hard to believe how any intelligent person could take this bunk seriously. These poor animals could have a myriad of different causes which isbr leading them to act in a certain way. This video to me is just one more proof that psychiatry is a pseudoscience, because since these animals cannot even talk to explain what is bothering them, the arrogant pseudoscientists ( as they also tend to do with humans) is just imagining according to his fancy any "disorder" which has been already fabricated for human What can the poor pet do? The dog cannot talk back and say"No sir. You're a liar! This is not what is bothering me." br Once again no REAL tests are done on these animals, as a real vet would do to diagnose legitimate physical ailments. The man is just observing the poor animal's behavior and then imagining the "cause" of it. The man's pompous imagination lines his own pockets,enriches Big Pharma, while the poor pet's health deteriorates. To me this should be classified as a type of animal abuse. Where are the animal activist groups and why aren't they getting involved in this? br br Then these charlatans along with the propaganda journalists actually try to condition the listener into thinking that this is not at all about pharmaceutical greed because the animal psychiatrist (sheesh! What will come next, a fish psychiatrist?! Goldfish on prozac?!) does "not prescribe drugs all the time".

User: AntiCPSMom

Views: 64

Uploaded: 2012-07-23

Duration: 05:29

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