The DSM:Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam (Part 2)

The DSM:Psychiatry's Deadliest Scam (Part 2)

I can testify personally to the truth of what is being said in this part of the documentary, because my sons were stolen from me 3 and a half years ago, due to the outlandish false accusations of someone who had falsely accused us before, and who wants to destroy my marriage and my kids for hugely irrational yet personal vindictive br URL of letter proving that Ana had falsely accused us before:br br br This woman has falsely accused me of everything from being in a cult (Ana is the one who really is in a cult, though she pretends to be catholic-she's into witchcraft and voodoo), abusing my kids (Ana is really doing this to my sons), abusing my husband (Ana's mother really did that to my husband and BIG TIME), of drugging up my kids ( I never had vices of any type, and gave my sons organic kosher food), and my false accusers have even said that I can kill my own sons ( a disgusting crazy slander, as I adore my sons, have risked my life for them in the past, and would rather put myself at risk than allow any harm to come to them)!!! All this, and whatever second-hand gossip can be concocted or obtained through false bribed witnesses has been spread without any evidence. Ana exploits DCYF's resources (and those of others who help her) to concoct convincing fantasy scenarios meant to frame me without I having had any due process in order to defend myself. There's an effort to pass me off as "crazy" and "paranoid", and my sons have been branded with non-existent conditions,they are now classified as "Special needs" children (the only Special need that they have is the need to be removed from Ana's dangerous abusive house), and I have long suspected that my eldest son in particular has been and is being drugged up without our consent, and that he has been exposed to electroshock br "therapy" in the past, due to things which he has said in the past, and certain behavioral changes from how he normally People really need to educate themselves and become aware of what is going on in our society, and really band together to overthrow this fake "scientific" establishment which is really just a cold and merciless money-hungry industry. By educating others, demanding our rights, and consistent activism we can demand that these white collar criminals be held accountable for the harm that they do. If you think that what has happened to me or to countless others cannot happen to you, think again. All it takes is a disturbed person who hates you or who for some reason has a grudge against you and wants to make your life hell. Psychiatry in collusion with CPS is a dream come true for vindictive anonymous accusers, and any vindictive idiot can call and falsely accuse a good parent, and voila! Your child is taken away, you're denied due process, and your child is needlessly traumatized and in all likelihood drugged up in order to feed and pay the mortgages of these parasitic pseudoscientists.

User: AntiCPSMom

Views: 26

Uploaded: 2012-08-20

Duration: 22:53

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