DEAD WRONG: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child (Part 2)

DEAD WRONG: How Psychiatric Drugs Can Kill Your Child (Part 2)

This document is interesting and informative, though it is not as information packed as other documentaries that I have uploaded on the abuses and fatal perils of mass psychiatric drugging. Perhaps its because it is filmed with intended emphasis on the personal experience of a small group of victimized people rather than from a more ample collective viewpoint. This documentary has a good foster mother among the group who objected to her foster child being drugged up, a rarity indeed in the foster care system, and TOTALLY NOT the case with my sons' foster "parent" Ana who passionately hates and envies my sons ( though she conceals it well enough for the sake of furthering her vendetta). Nevertheless, the documentary serves its purpose of illustrating how psychiatry is a pseudoscience, and how children's lives are destroyed and in many cases cut short by the reckless maneuverings of this sham "profession".I was nevertheless displeased to see how in Part 1 (which I will be uploading) when the narrator of the documentary goes to interview a foster care agency counselor, very misleading info is given with regard to the TRUE cause of so many children ending up in foster care. While it is true that there are abusive parents, the overwhelming majority of children placed in foster care are stolen from their loving parents because of petty non-justifiable reasons and false accusations ( such as is my case).br Go to this URL (copy and paste):br br Statistics show that foster children are way more likely to be abused than children who are with their real parents.And sadly, parents who really don't care for their children or love them are the ones who do not end up interrogated.It was thought at one point that Ana's sister was going to hurt her child and she was even saying that she did not love her child and that the child should not have been born (and this was before she was put on the drugs described in this documentary). I never have said such things to my children and took care of them BY MYSELF, and kept a clean house, even when I had a high risk pregnancy which put me in danger of dying, and had NO support network like Ana's sister, while during that time Ana was also making my life hell and falsely reported me for child abuse (go to URL below)br When the doctor told me that I could die before giving birth to my son, it never crossed my mind to say that I did not want him, I was willing to put life at risk to have him because I knew that both he and his brother are great blessings. And that son that I nearly died in order to have, and whom I love and took good care of, is being abused and traumatized (along with his brother) by a disturbed spoiled brat woman whose equally disturbed and spoiled sister never wanted her own child to begin with, and never took good care of her.

User: AntiCPSMom

Views: 23

Uploaded: 2012-08-24

Duration: 33:15

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