George Egba - Mid-night World

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Published On: 2014-06-15



Quiet at night
The snoring leaves breaks the looming silence
Gently brush by the breezy bites
Chilled and frozen by the ghostly midnight descent
Trace to trees and freeze
The aging cock alters a call against the gazing cloud
That falters back a smile of dew
It descend upon tired eyelids
Then humbled them down their base
With a gigantic melt of dreams and dew
What a world to travel skies and seas
Through all green land at ease
Upon a flat bed over the beauties of heaven
Where the diamond moon own a princely platform
Brief by joy by beautiful silence
And endowed the night with some pleasing humming
Bringing to our weariness aid and pampering sound
While drumming the pleasures of night host
Of treasures nightmare deep
Gives sleep a blend of sweeter feeling
A ripper rest and friendship
Once calm is come
Down is cast for all like infants sleep

George Egba