Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

By : Donta Holliman

Published On: 2014-07-19



Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
This is a necessary thing to do whenever you are going through a great change in your life. Whenever you are doing things the wrong things in life, It might feel as if it's right. And people tend to get comfortable with that. Well it's the total opposite when you begin doing things the right way. It will feel uncomfortable at first. But the thing is to get comfortable with being uncomfortable if you really want change. And as you start seeing the results you want, Things will get better for you. I remember when I was too comfortable with working a regular job. And When I needed more cash, Starting a online business felt uncomfortable at first. And I mean everything about it felt a lot different. But then I started to see results. Next thing you know, I was in love with it. And it just started to feel right...But here's where I started at

being comfortable being uncomfortable
get comfortable being uncomfortable
comfortable with being uncomfortable
business tools
business building tools
Donta Holliman

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