Bob Gotti - A Cord of Three Strands

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Published On: 2014-11-07



I have one lovely woman in my life, but we have a marriage of three.
The life long bond of our marriage is my wife, Jesus Christ, and me.

This is not simply a well known cliché, a phrase, or a simple token,
For Solomon said that a cord of three strands is not easily broken.

And when I include in my life, my two sons, I have a family of five,
For in the center is Jesus Christ who helps my entire family thrive.

The church that we attend is not just men and women under a steeple,
For the power we derive from Jesus Christ makes us a special people.

Even when I find myself alone, the number present will always be two,
For the Lord Himself promised me, I will never leave or forsake you.

If you acknowledge The Lord in all you do, He will direct your path,
So believe in The Lord my friend and you can enjoy His Eternal math.

David said Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path,
For he knew the presence of God would deliver him from man's wrath.

You can have assurance of a new freedom in Christ without exemption,
For when He begins a work, He continues, till the day of redemption.

I am assured that Christ has put me on the one and only narrow path,
And when this age of Grace is over, I will be spared from His Wrath.

My friend, as the end draws near don't be filled with fear or strife,
For God is clear, if you draw near, He will grant you Eternal Life.

Copyright © 12/2002

Bob Gotti

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