Service dog alerts to self harm (aspergers)


Published On: 2015-06-17



The woman trained his dog, named Samon, to help you out of your panic attacks caused by Asperger syndrome, a form of autism that according to the National Library of Medicine of the United States, can lead to difficulty interacting socially, repeat behaviors and clumsiness.

The viral video shows the dramatic scene in which the animal tries to protect itself to its owner, who appears beating amid a crisis caused by the disorder.

Jacobs hit herself in the chest, head and then cries inconsolably. At that time your dog arrives and tries to stop biting their hands and leaping up. The woman fell to the floor and Samson is thrown into it, serving as a comfort to its owner.

Danielle said he trained his dog to alert on depressive episodes and when damage is done herself. "This is having Asperger. This is what is considered to have a crisis. Samson is alerting and trained to alert to a depressive episode or self-inflicted damage, "said the girl in the video description.

The woman has recorded several videos showing how to train your dog and asked not to make negative comments because "it is not easy to open up and share what you feel on a daily basis" by the mental disorder.

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