Dr Teijeiro On Veterans Matters Medical Benefits

By : Edwin Duterte

Published On: 2015-09-22



Dr Annette Teijeiro is running for US Congress Nevada CD3 and bidding to win the Republican nomination.

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Since 1996, Annette has not only distinguished herself in the medical profession, but also within the fields of education and legislation. She has been recognized for countless contributions to her community, state, and country.

In addition to raising three children with her husband of 24 years, Annette still finds time to serve her community outside of the medical profession. Her activities have ranged from volunteering with United Way to serving on the board of her local homeowner's association. She feels very strongly that the representatives in Congress need to represent the people they serve and not beholden to special interests.

Dr Annette Teijeiro is running against Michael Roberson, Danny Tarkanian and Andy Matthews.

Steve Sebelius of the Review Journal writes: "Danny Tarkanian is a four-time loser when it comes to politics.

Sure, he‘€™s won a couple of Republican primaries, but in the clutch, Tarkanian has always come up short. As one Review-Journal wag put it, Tarkanian‘s last big win came when he was lacing up his sneakers for the Runnin‘ Rebels.

But look closely at the numbers and you‘€™ll see Tarkanian always made his races competitive, never embarrassing himself and never descending to the level of perennial also-rans. Still, he‘€™ll have to overcome a lot of history to be successful in his latest bid for office: the Republican primary for the 3rd Congressional District."

Grover Norquist, founder of the right-wing think tank Americans for Tax Reform, tweeted about Michael Roberson’s vote on “29 tax hike bills in 2015. Every last one of them.” Norquist added, “Politicians face a choice. Reform government to cost less or raise taxes and keep doing everything the same as always. Reform or Tax.”

Roberson, who signed the pledge in 2010, was influential in passing the state’s more than $1.3 billion tax hike in the 2015 legislative session, along with other measures to bolster state spending.

Andy Matthews, the former head of a conservative think-tank NPRI.

For more information on Dr. Annette and to donate to the campaign please visit,

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