Final Fantasy 10 HD - Top 6 Tips And Tricks That Everybody should know

By : Tarra3237

Published On: 2016-01-22



Hey guys hows it going? This here is my Top tricks and tips for Final Fantasy 10 (Normal or HD Remake) all the footage was recorded on an emulator for better quality that is why the text ingame is slightly distorted and i was playing at around 400 FPS which is why the game timer is so high since 1 hour in gametime was roughly 5 minutes real time. Now lets move on to the tricks and tips shall we? :)
1.Early Overdrive Modes
The best place to pick up some great overdrive Modes is at the very start of the game in the first 2 battles the sinspawn WILL NOT ATTACK so i suggest just defending with tidus and auron in yellow HP to pick up Daredevil. For loner you must kill 1 of them and keep defending with the other. For Slayer (Best of them all) in the 2nd fight where you have sinspawn behind you you can keep killing the scales behind you since they infinitly respawn (Do not kill the ones infront untill you have slayer)
2. Unlimited Free Potions
once you have been rescued by Riku and are able to dive off the ship if you speak to the man near brother on the Left he will give you 3 potions for free. Now if you dive into the water and swim down to the next screen then go back and press square to return to the ship you can speak to him to get another 3 free potions and you can keep doing this untill you have 99 of them.
3.Valefors 2nd Overdrive
Once you have completed the Temple Trial in Besaid Village and are about to leave the village you will get a cutscene which places you just outside. Turn around and head back into the village head into the first building on the left and speak to the shopkeeper she afterwards she will tell you her dog dug something up the other day, Now head to the top right building and speak to the dog to recive the new Overdrive for valefor (Valefor is the only Aeon to get 2 Overdrives)
4. Sinscale Grinding (I only really suggest doing this if you have a turbo controller or are willing to hold the controller for an hour or so)
Firstly Haste is NOT NEEDED (if you do decide to get it though make sure you get it from the Fish when riku is with you. with slayer overdrive mode you can also get Tiduss Overdrives) i get it since it helps drasticly and allows you to go AFK and do other things without worrying about dieing.
so to start with once you start the boss battle on the ship from Besaid to Kilka cast haste on Tidus and your other 2 party Members (i Suggest Yuna And Kimahri) if you dont have Haste then use Tidus,Wakka,Kimahri once all have haste cast on them have tidus use cheer 5 times (5 is the max amount it will stack) once the buffs are on just keep killing the infinite respawning sinscales now with the haste method they should never get an attack off before you kill them. so if you have a Turbo Controller use a rubberband or something to keep the X button held in place and go do something else for a few hours (In this video i left it running for Exatcly 2 hours Real Time)
5.Sinspawn Gui Grinding
This is basicly the same as number 4 only diffrence is you use the boss sinspawn gui Kill off the Head and then proceed to kill the Arms Which Respawn Every 3 Turns that the Main Body Gets. This one can not be done while your AFK since you must manually select the Arms as Targets
6. Getting Reflect VERY Early
Reflect is a spell that you wont normally pick up untill your roughly 60-70% Through the game normally however you can pick it up very easly in macalana Woods. Basicly Riku Starts extreamly close to it and the only thing in the way is a level 2 lock and you first get a level 2 lock sphere after you beat the sphere boss in macalana woods afterwhich its just a simple matter of getting riku to unlock it and traverse the grid to pick it up
(this really isnt all that important since it only really helps out in 1 fight before Yuna would normally unlock it)

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