Teacher plummets 50 feet to the ground during fire drill in India

By : TomoNews US

Published On: 2016-06-06



MORADABAD, INDIA — A teacher’s horrific 50-foot fall to the ground onto a concrete sidewalk during a fire drill in Moradabad, India was caught on camera.

The unidentified teacher was participating in a fire drill conducted by local civil defense officials when the incident occurred. The drill was supposed to show students how to evacuate in case a fire broke out or if the aftermath of an earthquake blocked their traditional escape route.

Rescue workers tied a rope around the teacher’s waist before she was lowered from the top of the building in front of students. At around the fourth floor, the teacher was supposed to detach from the rope and ride safely to the ground via a red slide made from toughened fabric.

Unfortunately, the teacher couldn’t get into position on the slide and slipped out of the rope, plummeting 50 feet to the ground.

Officials later said the teacher was in the intensive care unit in the hospital being treated for multiple injuries.

But at least she survived.

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