Obamacare repeal vote DELAYED after John McCain was hospitalised by blood clot

By : All News

Published On: 2017-08-04



Obamacare repeal vote DELAYED after John McCain was hospitalised by blood clot
The US Senate has delayed a vote on repealing and replacing Obamacare while Senator John McCain recovers from surgery for a blood clot. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell confirmed this morning the Senate will work on other legislative issues and nominations as the healthcare vote is put on hold.Mr McConnell tweeted the Senate “will defer consideration of the Better Care Act" while Mr McCain is recovering in hospital in Arizona.The veteran Republican, who ran for President against Barack Obama in 2008, was rushed into surgery when the clot was discovered above his eye following a routine check up. The surgery was successful, with doctors confirming Mr McCain was in "high spirits".A close vote had already been predicted for the Republican's answer to Obamacare, with all Democrats and independents coming out against it and some Republicans opposed or undecided.The Republicans have a slim 52-48 majority and therefore can only afford to lose two Republican votes. In the event of a drawn vote, US Vice President Mike Pence would break the tie based on his own judgement.Two Republicans, Rand Paul of Kentucky and Susan Collins of Maine, have already said they will vote against the measure.A procedural vote on the motion is expected to take place next week. Defeat for the bill could politically damage US President Donald Trump, who campaigned on a pledge to repeal and replace the Obama-era Affordable Healthcare Act.In his most recent weekly address, Mr Trump said: "The Senate healthcare bill stops the Obamacare disaster, expands choice and drives down costs."And I want to tell you the Republican senators are working very hard to get something that’s going to be really, really good – the opposite of the big lie which was Obamacare.". 00FastNews. New source of news.
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