Star Wars X-wing Miniatures Game Part 33 (Imperial Raider Expansion Contents)

By : Yasa

Published On: 2017-11-10



Nathan from Star Wars Beyond the Films () takes a brief look at the X-wing Miniatures Games products upon arrival. This segment checks out the contents of the Imperial Raider Expansion Pack. \r
(Note: This product was defective when it arrived for me, and I point out how in the final portion of this video. Hopefully, yours was not poorly manufured. I have put in for a replacement from FFG and am currently awaiting a response and/or replacement.)\r
EDIT (08/20/new): Got my answer from FFG on the Imperial Raider. In short, no. They will not replace the model. My only recource would be to return the product as a whole to Miniature Market for a refund or exchange. So much for their vaunted replacement policy greatness.\r
Their ual response:\r
Thank you for submitting your request. At Fantasy Flight Games, we are committed to the quality of our games and components and want to help you replace defective materials. \r
In the case of defects in your huge X-Wing starship miniature, you must return the product to the retailer from which you purchased it in order to get a replacement or monetary refund. The retailer would then return it to their place of purchase for their own refund. \r
Please note that this refers only to the huge starship miniature itself. We will still cover the replacement of any cards, punchboard, and smaller plastic components (e.g. the turrets and satellite on the Tantive IV™, or the alternate paint scheme miniatures from the Rebel Transport and Imperial Raider Expansion Packs). If your retailer has any questions or is unaware of our refund policy for this product, please ask them to cont their distributor. \r
Please cont us directly if you have any further questions or concerns. Thank you.

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