Villagers cast votes in bungalow bedroom

By : ODN

Published On: 2010-05-06



Voting is under way at one of the UK's most homely polling stations.

Villagers in Chettisham, Cambridgeshire, are casting votes in the bedroom of a bungalow.

Retired hairdresser Carmelia Bond, 61, offered her home as a polling station more than 30 years ago after the village hall closed.

Mrs Bond's son, Marcus, a 30-year-old painter and decorator, moved out of the room for the day to allow two polling station officials to move in.

Locals are guided to the front door by a sign on Mrs Bond's gate and a poster in the bedroom window.

"We move the bed out so they can get the polling booth in," said Mrs Bond. "He's left his television in there."

She added: "I don't insist on people taking off their shoes before they come in. I'll Hoover later."

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