Tom Salter's Playlists
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Tom Salter

Total Playlists: 1

Playlist Videos: 97

November 2009. To the 150,000+ viewers to this channel - my sincere thank you's and best wishes for this fall season. May your days be joyful and your memories eternal. Rising at Last is a co-production by Ian Thomas and yours truly. Hope you enjoy. <br />Sincerely, <br />tj <br />All videos posted here meet the standards of the Video Producers Guild and are suitable viewing by all ages, races, creeds and religions. <br />Hope you enjoy this "StonewallStudios Channel". If you have a favorite song you think might fit my studio style ...send it along and give me a week or two. <br />Cheers <br />Tom <br />StonewallStudios Producer <br />Niagara Canada

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