Tsholo Nkésé's Playlists
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Tsholo Nkésé

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THE AFRICAN TSHOLO <br /><br />Tradition does not mean folklore. <br />Concerning Tsholo Nkésé, it is a question of originality of a creator with an African culture which is superior in the exotic as well as the conservative. <br />His music doesn't simply reproduce the tradition but comes up from the soul of a nation in order to arouse a powerful, spirited storm. <br /><br />When Tsholo Nkésé allows his roots to melt entirely with Africa's rhythm and melodies , his compositions and orchestra pieces bring us closer to a continent and let us feel that his performance does even mix up our artistic moral concept. <br /><br />A completely independent and modern music. <br />Tsholo Nkésé has played himself in the ranks of the greatest musicians of his generation. <br /><br />Today he lives in France. Together with his new group - vocals, percussions, guitar, piano and brass, it will not take him long time to play an important role in the present musical landscape. <br /><br />Tsholo Nkésé NYAMUGUSHA <br /><br />Was born in Bukavu (Zaire) between Kivu lake and Tanganyika lake, in the great lakes area. After his study of economics at the University for Economics and Administration in Kinshasa, he studied music at the College of Art at the INA (National Institute for Art, Music, Theatre and Animation). There, he specialised particularly on Guitar, Piano and Marimba (African Xylophone). <br /><br />He records his first two singles and films his first video clips for the Zairian television. <br /> In few years he reached an extraordinary success in several African countries with a group of 16 musicians and dancers. <br /><br />PRESS BOOK <br /><br />“ Not any merit for an artist to succeed some feats on beaten tracks maintain-we. Tsholo Nkess had adopted this thought and created the foundation of his musical activity. Shaped at the Superior Arts School, he refuses however to be like Mozart or Hendel. Tsholo thinks that playing some traditional rumba equals to give up to the easiness ” <br /><br />(Botowamungu Kalume Elima - Zaire). <br /><br />The major argument that does the particularity of Tsholo, leans on the blending between the pure tradition of the African culture and a modern instrumentation, where we find voices, percussions, guitars, keyboards and brasses. Which produces the enthusiasm of the audience who leans on’s weight on one foot. <br /><br />( Libération Champagne- France) <br /><br />Tsholo Nkésé has chosen to defend an evolutional music which invites to the dance, this music is called “ the mundaba ”. If the rhythm inherits from his remote country it composes the structure of his musical speech. It’s an absolutely modern version that resounds on the stage. The instruments are classic, the rhythm devilish. <br /><br />The triumph of this great orchestra of musicians and dancers are incontestable. Tsholo has an unforgettable theatrical presence amplified by a surprising choreography, which is the all supported by a devilish music. A mixed musical style typically African, enriched by the keyboards. No mistake for the public who dances on the mundaba rhythms. <br /><br />(Libération - Champagne - France). <br /><br />Compositor, dancer, musician and songwriter, Tsholo Nkésé spills a powerful music, which is authentic and full of energy. With him, everyone endeavours to give some extent to the whole. Some musicians are really talented men. <br /><br />(Jean-Michel LEVY). <br /><br />“ Tsholo Nkésé is not a folkloric group ” Tsholo asserts, “ but a formation which dips her roots in the African traditions and expresses them through the characteristics of its music and choreography thanks to a modern instrumentation. <br /><br />“ Modern ” is the just word. The union of the musicals structures came from the bottom of the ages and an ultra-modern material, which creates an amazing mix, that contributes to liberate a good dose of vital violence. The texts, often committed are adapted to this kind of “ support ” and visual apport. It’s a group of dancers, not especially vilent who makes the show speak the whole. The choreography is born of a great search. For the particularly typical costumes, they offer a whole disorientation. <br /><br />(Capharnaüm, L’Est-Eclair France)

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