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30 Basic Human Rights List

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The 10 worst humanitarian crises of 2018

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7 animals that went extinct in 2019

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8 famous people who have charitable foundations

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6 natural disasters events of the year 2020

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The 10 Spanish NGOs with the most followers on Facebook

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17 women who have won the Nobel Peace Prize

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10 South American events of the year 2019 (part 2)

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10 South American events of the year 2019 (part 1)

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The 10 most polluting countries in the world

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6 activities carried out by WHO

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Characteristics of NGOs

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7 facts about Greenpeace

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8 interesting WWF facts you may not know

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8 UNICEF purposes

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10 of the most important NGOs in Spain

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10 everyday items that are damaging the planet

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The most important NGOs in the world

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10 celebrities who are UNICEF ambassadors

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Types of plastics banned from 2021

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10 common gestures that are anti-ecological

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10 very dangerous enviromental pollutants

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10 tips to raise enviromental awareness

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