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Big Think

Total Videos: 11084

Big Think is the leading source of expert-driven, actionable, educational content.


Is reality real? These neuroscientists don’t think so.

Uploaded: September 13, 2021 Views: 220

Your reptilian brain, explained | Robert Sapolsky

Uploaded: September 6, 2021 Views: 113

Isolating carbon from human ashes to create diamonds

Uploaded: August 23, 2021 Views: 56

What charity does to your brain

Uploaded: August 18, 2021 Views: 49

How to trick your brain into saving money

Uploaded: August 11, 2021 Views: 37

Want to save more money? Start playing video games.

Uploaded: August 4, 2021 Views: 30

How Apple and Nike have branded your brain

Uploaded: July 28, 2021 Views: 26

The science of ‘herd mentality’

Uploaded: July 21, 2021 Views: 28

How concentrated solar power could fuel the future

Uploaded: July 19, 2021 Views: 18

Why “survival of the fittest” is wrong

Uploaded: July 12, 2021 Views: 17

Why do big creatures live longer?

Uploaded: July 4, 2021 Views: 23

Protecting space stations from deadly space debris

Uploaded: June 20, 2021 Views: 13

How to live an intellectual life

Uploaded: May 31, 2021 Views: 11

The science behind ‘us vs. them’

Uploaded: May 10, 2021 Views: 8

America’s prison catastrophe: Can we undo it?

Uploaded: May 3, 2021 Views: 3

Textiles: Humanity’s early tech boom

Uploaded: April 26, 2021 Views: 1

CRISPR: Can we control it?

Uploaded: April 19, 2021 Views: 18

How gratitude makes you more attractive

Uploaded: April 16, 2021 Views: 7

Is empathy always good?

Uploaded: April 12, 2021 Views: 4

Retrain your brain for long-term thinking

Uploaded: April 5, 2021 Views: 1

The great free will debate

Uploaded: March 29, 2021 Views: 5

How to think smarter about failure

Uploaded: March 15, 2021 Views: 6

Skepticism: Why critical thinking makes you smarter

Uploaded: March 8, 2021 Views: 5

Has political correctness gone too far?

Uploaded: February 22, 2021 Views: 25

How leaders influence people to believe

Uploaded: February 16, 2021 Views: 6

7 dimensions of depression, explained

Uploaded: February 15, 2021 Views: 6

What are the limits of free speech?

Uploaded: February 8, 2021 Views: 23
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