Crazy Kids 7 - Twinned Torus Chains

Crazy Kids 7 - Twinned Torus Chains

The chains worn by Ke$ha and the others may be identified as seirai, representing their link to the celestial bodies that convey influences from the gods. The chains signified that they are connected in the “Great Chain of Being.” With Ke$ha as Isis and as Osiris-Horus in their characterization, they are the gods linked to man through the celestial bodies. The chain thus witnesses to the principle of the Hermetic Maxim, As Above, So Below, in a very special way. br br Twins play a huge role in this video, which I've pointed out already. Twins relate to programming where mirror alters and pairings of generational and Delta assassin teams are concerned. They are also the symbol of Gemini and related to the Silver Gate. There is more to be gleaned from further exploration of the symbols of the twins. br br The theme of twins supports the identification of the characters as gods. Isis and Osiris were both twins, Isis to Nephthys and Osiris to Set. The identification of Ke$ha as Isis is strengthened by her associations with twins, with the Siamese (TWIN) cat and flanking pairs of identical lions and dogs. Likewise is the identification of as Osiris strengthened by his being framed by identical twins. Although the jackal-dog headed Anubis is not a twin, the Dog Star Sirius that suggests his role is actually a twin star, comprised of Sirius A and Sirius B, which the presentation of “twin” dogs with Ke$ha speaks to very succinctly. br br br br link to the featured video. Ke$ha - Crazy Kids ft. will.i.

User: FreeQuinnSees

Views: 34

Uploaded: 2013-12-08

Duration: 20:52

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