Confused Black Man Pushing Tea Party Message

By : Egberto Willies

Published On: 2014-04-06



Mr. Aaron Johnson was the Tea Party Patriot manning the booth. He acceded to the interview and gave permission to use it at will. Mr. Johnson is passionate and I had the feeling he believes everything that he is saying. In speaking to him before the interview I found him to be a family man who loves his family and the fact that he was out there manning the booth alone, a hard worker.

That said, Mr. Johnson showed a level of delusion I have not even seen in the rank and file Tea Party leaders here in Kingwood, Texas. He believes the mere fact the President’s middle name is Hussein that he is Muslim. (I should have asked him if given his name Aaron Johnson if his first name made him Hebrew and his last name made him Anglo Saxon). Inasmuch as he believes in the superiority and mercy of the Christian religions, he says America should not intervene in Syria because one should allow the enemy to kill each other.

Off camera he told me the president should be impeached. When I asked him why, he gave a dubious list of things the president did including the appointment of czars that his folks deemed unconstitutional. Suffice it to say when asked for specifics he had no answers other than scripture.

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