Ramones- Everyone's Against Me Oi Oi Oi!

Ramones- Everyone's Against Me Oi Oi Oi!

The Ramones, CJ Ramone sings "Cretin Family" at Top Of The Pops. br CRETIN FAMILY br I am not so upset about my horrible self br But why don't you go upset yourself br Hey here's the mirror see your stupid face br What a disgrace man and you know it's true br br Cretin family Cretin family Cretin family br Everyone's against me br Cretin family Cretin family Cretin family br Oi-Oi-Oi-Oi br br Don't stare at me it's freakin' me out br Look what's happening now it's all your fault br You can't do nothin' absolutely nothing' o.k.

User: LostPirate77

Views: 31

Uploaded: 2007-04-13

Duration: 02:07

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