23 Teknivals- Tuef Pavia Free Raves

23 Teknivals- Tuef Pavia Free Raves

Artistic montage of Teknivals, illegal raves and festivals from all over Europe, and the life of new age travellers and ravers on the road. Including footage of the police busting Sunny's wake in the UK. Sunny was a well-loved travller kid who'd lived his whole life on site, and riot pigs busted the party held in his memory, but left under a hail of bottles. For Sunny, Adam and Seb. Please no more. FUCK PIGS. br FRANCE ESPAGNA ITALIA CZECH HOLLAND UK br (EN FRANCAIS) Montage artistique des images des tuefs et teknivals en France, Espagne, Italie, Pays-Bas, Czech et Angleterre. Violence des Flics partout. Images du vers dix ans des tuefs en plusieurs pays. Merci Les Nomads et Les Teknocrats. Violence des cuefs, trop de Son Systems et la vie des voyageurs et des tuefeurs. Merci a tous mes amis que j'ai rencontre en France et tous les autres pays. NIQUE LES FLICS.

User: Zena Merton

Views: 60

Uploaded: 2007-04-18

Duration: 04:58

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