Lost Colonies of America

Lost Colonies of America

br br br About the guest br br Nominated by Japan’s Savant Society as Professor of World Archaeology, Frank br Joseph is a veteran scuba diver and participant in hundreds of underwater br expeditions off the coast of Africa, in the eastern Mediterranean Sea, the Gulf of br Mexico, and Polynesia. A frequent radio talkshow br guest and popular public br speaker, Joseph has been interviewed by Shirley MacLaine, Art Bell, Jeff Rense, br Rob McConnell, and numerous other broadcast hosts. br His lectures include appearances throughout Japan and Britain, and at br conventions and seminars with the Association for Research and Enlightenment. br He was EditorinChief br of Ancient American magazine from 1993 to 2007, and he br has traveled the world collecting research materials for his 27 published books. br Recent titles include: br • Before Atlantis: 20 Million Years of Human and PreHuman br Cultures br • Atlantis and 2012: The Science of the Lost Civilization and the Prophecies of the br Maya br • Advanced Civilizations of Prehistoric America: The Lost Kingdoms of the Adena, br Hopewell, Mississippians, and Anasazi br • The Atlantis Encyclopedia br • Atlantis and Other Lost Worlds br br About the book br br Who Discovered America Before Columbus? br Foremost Archaeologist Presents New Evidence br of Early Explorers in the Americas br ––––––––––––––––––––––– br San Francisco, CA (October 23, 2013) –– A longrenowned br expert in the field of br prehistory and author of more than two dozen books, Frank Joseph is headed for br the bestseller lists once again with his new title, The Lost Colonies of Ancient br America: A Comprehensive Guide to the PreColumbian br Visitors Who Really br Discovered America. br As EditorinChief br of Ancient American magazine for 14 years, Joseph br popularized nonconformist br archaeology by debating scientific orthodoxy and by br a lifetime of researching the ancient world. In his new book, he describes the br various peoples who influenced preColumbian br history and offers fresh evidence br showcasing their impact on the continent. br Joseph’s abundant documentation proves that Old World visitors appeared in br the Americas hundreds and thousands of years ago. Sumerians, Minoans, br Romans, Celts, ancient Hebrews, Indonesians, Africans, Chinese, Japanese, br Welsh, Irish, and the Knights Templar, all made their indelible marks on our land br and our history.

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