Passion of Jesus A.S part 4

Passion of Jesus A.S part 4

Abdur Raheem Green - Passion of Isa br How Christianity came to exist,the Life of Isa A.S (Jesus) ,the first Christians the Polian Chrisitians... br The date for Easter is always hard to figure out, so you have to turn to a calendar to see which Sunday it falls on for a given year. There is a simple reason for this confusion. The pagans observed festivals at the vernal equinox, which was and is considered the first day of spring, when the length of the day and the length of the night are equal, as the sun climbs in the sky of the northern hemisphere. In AD325, Emperor Constantine of the Roman Empire, presiding over the large church council at Nicea, set the date as the first Sunday after the first full moon after the spring equinox. It can range from March 22 to April 25. The date set by spiritual fornication between a king and churches tied this Christianized celebration of paganism to the movements of the sun and moon, all of which is condemned in the Bible (Deut 12:29-32; II Kings 23:5; Jer 10:2; Rev 17:1-6).

User: fairfighter

Views: 61

Uploaded: 2007-05-04

Duration: 19:02

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