Zoom and pan of Hubble's colourful view of the Universe

Zoom and pan of Hubble's colourful view of the Universe

Astronomers using the Hubble Space Telescope have captured the most comprehensive picture ever assembled of the evolving Universe — and one of the most colourful. The study is called the Ultraviolet Coverage of the Hubble Ultra Deep Field (UVUDF) project. br br More information and download options: br br br Credit: br NASA, ESA, and G. Bacon (STScI) Acknowledgement: H. Teplitz and M. Rafelski (IPACCaltech), A. Koekemoer (STScI), R. Windhorst (Arizona State University), and Z.

User: Hubble Space Telescope

Views: 1

Uploaded: 2014-06-03

Duration: 00:41

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