UFOs Wicked This Way Comes

UFOs Wicked This Way Comes

br br br br About the guest br br br br Timothy Green Beckley is a UFO & paranormal pioneer. Since an early age his life has more or less revolved around the paranormal. The house he was raised in was thought to be haunted, he underwent out of body experiences at age six, and saw his first of three UFOs when he was ten. Over the years he has written over 30 books on everything from rock music to the secret MJ12 papers. Today he is the president of Inner LightGlobal Communications and editor of the Conspiracy Journal and Bizarre Bazaar. br br About the book br br EXPOSING THE UFO “FEAR FACTOR”. . . br br WARNING: -- DANGER LURKS ALONGSIDE OF US IN THE DARK! br br WARNING: -- THE ULTRA-TERRESTRIALS TAKE ON A VARIETY OF HORRIFYING SHAPES AND TERRIFYING FORMS! br br WARNING: -- THEY HAVE ATTEMPTED TO TAKE CONTROL OF OUR THOUGHTS AND POSSES OUR SOULS AND BODIES OUR SOULS AND BODIES! br br Stories of encounters with the supposedly friendly "all-too-cute" ETs are NOT always the norm and represent only one side of the coin. Little Elliot may have befriended Steven Spielberg's cozy, cuddly alien, but all too often our almond-eyed visitors have their own agenda, which frequently puts them at odds with our earthly well-being. They have been known to abduct, dice and slice and put us through a universe of utter torment. br br Not only can the Ultra-Terrestrials be damned ornery but they have the power to interfere with both our physical and mental states and put dread into our hearts. Thus the term “UFO Fear Factor.” They can oftentimes wreak havoc on an entire household following what might seem like a benign close encounter but which ends up going well beyond a cosmic one-night stand. The Ultra-Terrestrials possess various characteristics in common with spirits from the dark corridors of demonology and have been known to produce the same sort of phenomena at UFO landing sites as you would find in a haunted house or at a séance. br br HERE ARE AUTHENTIC ACCOUNTS FROM THE “TWILIGHT ZONE” OF UFOLOGY br br * Witness grows 5 inches following close encounter! Hair of observer changes color overnight! br br * West Virginia man abducted by weird “vegetable”-like Ultra-Terrestrials. br br * Valuable objects vanish upon arrival of strange shadow beings in New Jersey home. br br * The mystery of the “Crawling Stumps” in Oregon. br br * Giants bully youngsters in Brazilian UFO terror attack. br br * “Fireballs” cause massive blackout. br br * A man named “Fred” (a pseudonym) recalls under hypnosis a horrifying sexual experience involving a half humanhalf animal creature. br br * Dr.

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Uploaded: 2014-06-28

Duration: 30:06

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