SKULL: Speed Art

SKULL: Speed Art

Behold! A new speed art video by your truly. I spent around 2 hours on this piece and I created it all on photoshop. If you have any questions about my art or the way I work, then please pop a question below and I will reply back :) br br I could have spent longer on this piece to be quite fair, you can tell that it hasn't been refined because it is quite sketchy looking. I hope you enjoy this video anyway! I will have an animation up soon!br br Please like and subscribe, you can even add it to your fav's if you like! I will give you a virtual high five. br br br Make sure to follow me and br Twitter: @cathcreatesbr Instagram for art: @cathbennettbr

User: CatherineCreates

Views: 29

Uploaded: 2014-07-26

Duration: 06:55

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