[Download eBook] Olivier by Philip Ziegler

By : Leonard de Castro

Published On: 2014-08-09



Link: http://justamazinglife.com/olivier-philip-ziegler-pdfepub/

Olivier by Philip Ziegler

Publisher: MacLehose Press (June 3, 2014)

A finalist for the Sheridan Morley Prize that has been called “probably the best Olivier book for general readers” (Kirkus Reviews), Philip Ziegler’s Olivier provides an incredibly accessible and comprehensive portrait of this Hollywood superstar, Oscar-winning director, and one who is considered the greatest stage actor of the twentieth century. The era abounded in great actors–Gielgud, Richardson, Guinness, Burton, O’Toole–but none could challenge Laurence Olivier’s range and power. By the 1940s he had achieved international stardom. His affair with Vivien Leigh led to a marriage as glamorous and as tragic as any in Hollywood history. He was as accomplished a director as he was a leading man: his three Shakespearian adaptations are among the most memorable ever filmed.

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