You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone

br br br br About the guest br br From childhood, Sydney has had an awareness of the energies around her and around all of us. br br Yes, Sydney Sherman sees dead people. “ I have never been alone. From as far back as I can remember I have had the ability to interact with people (peeps) that others could not see. For me it is not scary; it is a natural part of my everyday life.” br br “Yes, I am a Medium (even though I hate labeling what I do). I get my information from your “peeps”….your ghosts, spirits, entities (pick your favorite). That’s it…spirits make themselves available.” br br As her sensitivity has grown over the years, she has been able to guide others to open themselves to their own spirits – to make those energies a part of their lives. br br This down-to-earth medium appreciates skeptics. She knows many of us have already experienced something that is beyond normal scientific understanding (the definition of paranormal). Acceptance is not always an easy process. Sherman asks us to consider, “Is it easier to believe what the mind tells you is true…Or is it easier to see the truth and convince your mind otherwise?” She hopes that each of us can determine the reality of the afterlife and the paranormal on our own terms and stop pushing away our “peeps”. br br Recent heightened media focus on the paranormal, (spirits, ghosts, ghost hunting and the afterlife) is both a gratifying validation and a source of frustration for Ms. Sherman. br br For Sydney, communication involves respect for our own truths and those of our peeps. Hers is a mission to promote greater understanding and to demystify the field. The frauds, manipulators and those who prey on our honest curiosity are doubly harmful, victimizing individuals and discrediting the field. br br Sydney’s goal and that of her book is to give clarity -- a better understanding of the afterlife, of the spirits around you and what is in store for all for us. br br Each of us deserves the opportunity to enjoy and to be enjoyed by our loved ones??even after they pass from this life. br br As Sherman says, “See you on the other side br br About the book br br If you have ever wondered about the paranormal, Sydney Sherman’s book will take you on an exploration of contact with the “other side”. br br You Are Not Alone: Our Loved Ones Are Here…You’re Just Not Listening begins with the author’s passage from confusion to acceptance of her gift -- the ability to contact the many spirits who inhabit her everyday world. The medium approaches the paranormal with a healthy dose of common sense and encourages readers to maintain a rational skepticism throughout their explorations. br br With encounters ranging from humorous to life-changing, Sherman illustrates the valuable potential of including spirits in our lives. All leading to her determination to have us open our ears, unlock all our senses, and allow our "peeps" to be a part of our lives.

User: royce41200

Views: 22

Uploaded: 2014-08-15

Duration: 30:06

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