Francis Duggan - To A Victim Of Cyber Bullying

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Published On: 2014-11-08



Suppose they can't help the way they are the people to you who are rude
And though they are well educated in their ways they are very crude
You did not ask them for their comments to criticize you or your praises for to sing
Their nastiness to it has a deeper meaning perhaps with them 'tis a power thing
'Tis an in thing nowadays Cyber Bullying on their computer keyboards from places afar
They do demean you in their ignorance by trying to make you feel of how worthless you are
Yet to you they are total strangers people you do not even know
Self opinionated in their own self importance their arrogance and insensitivity in their attitude to strangers does show
They are liked by those who are like them or by those who are weak in some way
People like them from life do not grow wiser though in their pride they cover their gray
You are such a sensitive person in your kind ways gentle and sweet
Why pay heed to narcissistic strangers their nasty comments just delete
You are one more victim of cyber bullies in a World where cyber bullying is no longer rare
Of Human kindness, empathy and compassion such nasty people are just not aware.

Francis Duggan

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