'revolutionary advertising' still follows the steps of edward bernays (please read description)

By : lumbia33

Published On: 2014-11-09



no matter how 'progressive', 'aware', 'activist' or 'revolutionary' these campaigns claim to be, they continue to use the tools laid out by people like bernays in his book 'propaganda'. the ads promote division, diversion and individuality; as well as the idea that one needs (to be) a leader amongst the people, as opposed to encouraging collective organization against oppression- where EVERYONE leads, and is held accountable.

and need i even talk about how the type of 'feminism' these ads display looks to an ideal that has no concept of how the oppression of men is tied to the oppression of women (since it falls under the same system... men are conditioned to not see the connection either); this idea of 'feminism' also consciously chooses to, despite having token 'non-white' faces in their ads, create a culture for them which is overwhelmingly white, disregarding the connection between class, race and so on. in this world, men are the oppressors, as opposed to a system which harbors these injustices. in the world the ads derive from, anyone who brings this up is likely met with a 'you're reading too much into things; it's men who are the enemy, not me.' while patriarchy in society is certainly a problem, we must remember that the men in our lives are not the enemy.

the more we study, the more we begin to see who the real enemy is.

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