John Knight - 1115 CREDO EN UNUM DEUM

John Knight - 1115 CREDO EN UNUM DEUM

CREDO en unum Deum. br We all recited it perfectly br The Tridentine Mass br St Matthews Liverpool br Nineteen fifty three. br Was it said with any conviction br Or was it just ritual? br br Next morning in the Office br After we'd discussed the Reds & Blues br The chatter turned to God. br What - they said - not God br You don't believe he exists br Not really how could you? br br A figment of mind br A fragment of myth br And has nobody told you br (Sotto voce) He's dead! br I pondered but said nothing br And the coffee break ended. br br But they cannot tell me br Who answers me. br Who answers me br Out of the unknown br Or where help comes br From beyond help br They cannot tell me br The name of my Friend! br br I have launched a Prayer into the night br And I have felt the connection. br I have prayed for light br And the light has shone. br There must be an answer br It is niether right nor reasonable br That I - foolish enough to believe br Should so confound the logic br Of the sceptical and wise. br br But their philosophy is ephemeral br My Faith is experiential br Is God dead? I don't think so br I spoke to Him this morning! br Credo en unum Deum br Patrem omnipotentem br Factorem caeli et terrae br Visibilium omnium et br Invisibilium AMEN.


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Uploaded: 2014-11-10

Duration: 02:05

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