Let's Start a Furuba Riot - Three Days Grace

Let's Start a Furuba Riot - Three Days Grace

#18 br Song: Riot br Artist: Three Days Grace br Anime: Fruits Basket (Furuba) br br Its been so long since I've made a fruits basket amv, and I really wanted to, especially since my friend Ishachan just finished her very own furuba amv ^^ so, since I haven't used furuba in awhile, I decided to use most of my favorite clips from it using this song that I recently discovered (I don't know exactly how old the song is, but its new to me ^^) and so now, I have no more AMVs in the making. br br Remember! I'll accept ALMOST ANY REQUEST ... I'll do anything to occupy my time -.-; br br TTYL ^^ br --DH br br the anime and music is owned and copyrighted by their respectful creators.

User: Dokuhebichan

Views: 2

Uploaded: 2007-07-02

Duration: 04:20

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