Russian Blue Kitten in the Kitchen

Russian Blue Kitten in the Kitchen

Russian Blue Kitten in the Kitchen br See Also : br Russian Blue Cat vs. Box br Music: Free Dailymotion Music ... ESCorny Farmers 3 - Magnus Ringblom br The Russian Blue is a cat breed that has a silver-blue coat. They are very intelligent and playful, but tend to be shy around strangers. br The Russian Blue is an intelligent, curious, and tranquil animal. They are known for their friendliness, but are generally shy with strangers. They have been known to play fetch, and are sensitive to human emotions. They enjoy playing with a variety of toys and develop loyal bonds to their loved ones. br The Russian Blue gets along well with other pets and children in a household. They can be quiet, only meowing occasionally, but can also be very talkative. They are clean animals that are normally reserved around strangers, unless they are brought up in an active household. They love to play with other small pets, such as dogs, cats and ferrets. Many Russian Blues have been trained to do tricks. Russian Blues can also be fierce hunters, often catching rodents, birds, rabbits, and small reptiles.

User: Josip-G

Views: 1

Uploaded: 2015-02-01

Duration: 02:11

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