Buddhist Prayer For Animal Liberation

Buddhist Prayer For Animal Liberation

Music by Choyling Drolma and Steve Tibbetts. - Songs "Chenrezig" "Padmesambava" br br Prayer for Liberation for Our Brother & Sister Animals. br br May all sentient beings in the animal realm br subject to unbearable pain in labs throughout the world br be free from suffering. br May alternatives to animal experimentation and testing br be used immediately. br May Bodhicitta fill the hearts of those who imprison them. br br May all sentient beings from the animal realm br who suffer endless days, months, years br locked in tiny cages unable to move, be filled with peace and calm. br May the many billions waiting in slaughterhouse lines be free of fear. br May the hearts of those who work in abattoirs br be filled with Bodhicitta so the very thought of harm is purified. br May they never kill again and may the slaughterhouse lines become immediately empty. br br Composed Feb 14, 2007 by Liberation for Our Brother & Sister Animals. a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=" br br To help our brother & sister animals - Go Vegan, Join your local animal rights group & become active. Don't buy animal products, find alternatives and don't buy products tested on animals.

User: antishitstem

Views: 18

Uploaded: 2007-08-19

Duration: 08:07

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