Oluja - 20th anniversary of Operation Storm 03, Zagreb 4 Aug 2015

Oluja - 20th anniversary of Operation Storm 03, Zagreb 4 Aug 2015

Croatia - Military parade to celebrate Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day and the Day of Croatian Defenders, which marks the 20th anniversary of Operation Storm, Zagreb, 4Aug2015 br Croatia started celebrating its "liberation" with a military parade, with some 3,000 soldiers and war veterans, 300 vehicles and 30 aircraft in the capital Zagreb, gathering thousands of spectators. br Another ceremony, attended by top officials, will be held on Wednesday in the town of Knin, a wartime rebel Serb stronghold that Croatian troops recaptured on August 5, 1995. br "Operation Storm was a turning point (in the conflict), a brilliant military operation, justified and legitimate," Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic said in a speech at a defence ministry ceremony, encouraging citizens to be "proud and dignified" during the festivities. br The Croatian army launched Operation Storm on August 4, 1995, and in an 84-hour offensive it saw 130,000 troops recapture a region that had been in Serb hands since 1991.

User: Josip-G

Views: 24

Uploaded: 2015-08-06

Duration: 06:48

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