John McCain ' lies

John McCain ' lies

The latest reports from Iraq indicate the president's latest strategy seems to be working and if we just give it a little more time (and probably try another prime minister) it will work out. It's just the American public has little stomach for the long haul. If they only had a little faith. In what? More of the same? We've heard all this before. br br Remember when we would be greeted as liberators, when there would be no need to have a large force because the Iraqis would be so happy to have us occupy their country. Remember when the insurgency was in its last throes according to VP Dick Cheney? When the symbol of the purple thumbs would bring unity and hope? And who was among the cheerleaders? That so-called liberal media the Washington Post and NY Times: br "Could it be that the neocons were right and that the invasion of Iraq, the toppling of Hussein and the holding of elections will trigger a political chain reaction throughout the Arab world?" marveled Post columnist Richard Cohen. [Washington Post, March 1, 2005] br at the same time, they continue to saber rattle with Iran and act as if the surge is working. It's working like a shell game. Remember John McCain walking around Baghdad (with a platoon of Marines for security)??? and said he would be glad walking around baghdad again!! Again, he failed to mention the platoon of Marines. Now they're saying a regime change in Baghdad will fix things. We've heard it all before. Most of us don't believe Bush any more but you wouldn't know it listening to the timid Congress or the media.


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Uploaded: 2007-10-04

Duration: 05:20

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