Ziyarat Ashura - Abathar Al-Halawaji - زيارة عاشوراء ابا ذر الحلواجي

Ziyarat Ashura - Abathar Al-Halawaji - زيارة عاشوراء ابا ذر الحلواجي

Alqamah bin Mohammed ibn Hazrami (r.a.) narrates I requested Imam Baqir (a.s.) to teach me a dua that I should recite on the day of Aashoora after the reciting .\rbr\rbrKeys to Paradise are compilations of the most important, touching and heartfelt duaas as proscribed by the Ahlulbayt A.S. Broadcasting thrice a day, every day .\rbr\rbrAlqamah bin Mohammed ibn Hazrami (r.a.) narrates I requested Imam Baqir (a.s.) to teach me a dua that I should recite on the day of Aashoora after the reciting .

User: Kopla Refra

Views: 27

Uploaded: 2015-11-15

Duration: 58:30

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