The stellar jets of HH 24 in 3D

The stellar jets of HH 24 in 3D

This movie envisions a three-dimensional perspective on the Herbig-Haro object as it is seen by the NASAESA Hubble Space Telescope. br br The sequence starts with a wide-field view covering the vast dark cloud of the Orion B molecular cloud complex and a scattering of stars. As the virtual camera flies into the dark nebula, the stars pass off-screen and the details of the forming stars and their red jets are revealed. br br While the central star is hidden, its lightsabre-like jets peak out of the gas and dust. These jets have carved an hourglass-shaped cavity in the near side of the nebula. br br The jet from another stellar newborn in this region has created a cylindrical tunnel through the gas extending to the left. Careful study of the Hubble data reveals a few other jets heating and displacing the gas and dust around them. br br More information and download options: br br Credit: br NASA, ESA, G. Bacon, L. Frattare, Z. Levay, and F. Summers (Viz3D Team, STScI) br Acknowledgment: NASA, ESA, Digitized Sky Survey (DSS), STScIAURA, PalomarCaltech, UKSTUAAO, Gemini ObservatoryAURAB. Reipurth, C. Aspin, and T. Rector, the Hubble Heritage (STScIAURA)Hubble-Europe (ESA) Collaboration, D. Padgett (GSFC), T. Megeath (University of Toledo), and B.

User: Hubble Space Telescope

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Uploaded: 2015-12-17

Duration: 00:30

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