Search Engine Optimised Website Design

Search Engine Optimised Website Design

#webdesign br #seo br br Hi there, it's Stephen McTaggart from Build Business Online Limited. And I wanted to talk to you a little bit, just about what I call SEO website design. SEO website design, what is that all about? br br Well it may be that you've had this experience where you have an amazing website created. It looks fantastic. All singing, all dancing. Yet, no one actually gets the chance to see it. Because it never actually ranks anywhere meaningful within Google's search results. br br The fact is, is that most website designers are amazingly skilled at designing a really cracking website that's absolutely fantastic. And it's really important that your website showcases and shows off your company, your business to the very best it can. However, if no one's getting the chance to see that, then really what's it been worth? There's no real return on the money, the thousands you've perhaps spent on getting that website created. br br So at Build Business Online Limited, what we do is we start the very basis of your website - start the fundamental of building a website, is actually looking at what are your customers actually looking for right now? How many times are they searching for the different elements of what it is that you actually can offer them as part of your service or the products that you offer? br br And it will be then - use that research to inform us, to make sure that the website is built to match what it is that people are actually looking for. So it's built from the ground up, with - basically appearing highly in Google search results for relevant terms for the things that you're selling, the services you're providing. And of course it looks fantastic. br br So really what SEO website design is, is basically taking fantastic web design, and taking our expertise in search engine optimization - of what works, and using a proper research into how strong in the different elements then your market are. And bringing that all together so you have a fantastic website that will actually show up well on Google. br br And really that's what you want, isn't it? Which company, which business wants a website that no one comes to? So that way, the revenue potential is much greater and your website stands a much better chance of appearing on the top end of page 1 of Google. That way it's money well spent. br br So again, contact today if you're looking for basically intelligent web design, web design that really comes from the starting point that this website has to do a job. This website isn't just to look good. This website actually has to pay itself. Has to pay for itself. This website has to be an asset in your business that actually helps you generate revenue. Get in contact today. br br Build Business Online Ltd. br br email:

User: Build Business Online

Views: 3

Uploaded: 2016-01-18

Duration: 03:08

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