Ludo's Funny Burlesque 2015

Ludo's Funny Burlesque 2015

DATES: November 6-14 2015 br PLACE: Teatro FRIDA KAHLO Theatre br TOTAL OF PERFORMANCES: 3 br AUTHOR: Ludo Vika br PRODUCER: Grupo de Teatro SINERGIA br DIRECTOR: Minerva García br ACTORS: Ludo Vika, Minerva García, Arely Araniva, Matt Ramos, Mario Lozano, Bom Boom La Verne, Carlos Caliente, Charles Sanchez, Diana Romo, Jesse Maldonado, Kirby Harrel, Le Maire, Liliana Cervantes, Mariluz Acosta, Marta Portillo, Tania Carmona, Marie Fitzgerald, Emma Riddley and the Goddess Dancers br STAFF: Adalberto Lujan (Stage Design), Rubén Amavizca-Murúa (Sound and Publicity Design), Arturo Martinez and Iztacoyotl Ruiz (Stage Managers).

User: Grupo de Teatro SINERGIA

Views: 1

Uploaded: 2016-01-21

Duration: 02:00

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