Hazrat Ali (ra): Women will travel safely in the era of Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh)

By : A9 TV

Published On: 2016-01-31



ADNAN OKTAR: Hazrat Ali (ra) narrates from Our Prophet (saas) in meaning. "When Qaim Muhammad Mahdi (pbuh) arises, the heavens will pour down its rain. The earth will make its crops turn green. Hatred, jealousy, hostility will leave people's hearts. The beasts of pray will become tame. In fact, a woman will be able to travel alone from Iraq to Damascus." Look, from Iraq to Damascus where the fight is the most intense. And she will be alone. "Her bare feet will touch the green grasses." She doesn't wear any socks and she wears open toe shoes. Is this possible in the traditionalist system? It is not. But we can clearly see here that she wears open toe shoes and her bare feet touch grasses. "She will wear ornaments on her head" meaning her head is bare as she wears ornaments on it. "Yet, neither she will be harmed nor feel any fear." No one will molest her and she won't be afraid to travel alone. In whose era? In the era of Hazrat Mahd

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