17-12-07-Chernobyl Back- DJ Twix-VJ Furiani

17-12-07-Chernobyl Back- DJ Twix-VJ Furiani

--- Chernobyl back ------br br -+ Show @ Opus Café, Paris, First October 07, Zbell Monday Evening.br -- DJ Set Twixbr -- Video Live VJ Viktor Furianibr br -x People and animals always live on Chernobyl irradied Area...br And the power plant is always in activity!br br -| Militancy on the dancefloors |-br br -+Our websitesbr a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=" a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=" br -xThanks to urban Rescue (a class="link" rel="nofollow" href=") for organisation and invitation, Opus Café for hospitality.

User: Viktor Furiani

Views: 204

Uploaded: 2007-12-21

Duration: 08:35

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