Triple onboard cameras on a Volkswagen Golf : panoramic recording of the road situation by SYCOMOREEN

Triple onboard cameras on a Volkswagen Golf : panoramic recording of the road situation by SYCOMOREEN

SYCOMOREEN is showing you the panoramic recording of the road situations with : br 1) a first onboard camera "Dual Lens Dashcam HD" of Gembird Company, which has been put on the back. br 2) a second onboard camera "RECPRO" of the Roadeyes' Company, which has been put on the front of the vehicle. br br The driving events are therfore permanently filmed under all the angles : in case of accident, the assembly of the videos permits to clear the responsibilities, or even to identify a fleeing driver with the numberplate of his vehicle.

User: Remundo SYCOMOREEN

Views: 2

Uploaded: 2016-02-23

Duration: 00:57

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