What ISLAM really is 3

What ISLAM really is 3

making concessions to win muslims : for examples making Qudas (Christian ceremony) on Fridays not on Sundays to confuse muslims, this was done in Kuwait for example. br accepting the princeple of polygamy. A funny thing to mention, In England, there was a conference in 1409 AD for priests (assaaqifat Al-Injeel) and a big discussion took place about polygamy, many of them totally rejected that issue and said that this is one thing they use against Islam, but they faced the problem that if they didn't allow polygamy they will lose their campaigns in Africa, after realizing that, they allowed it. There are catholic priest in Africa with 40 wives or more. br They say that many muslims have changed to Christianity and they publish books and cassettes about that. For example the book "limatha sirtu masee7iyan?" for a writter "sultan Muhammad Bolous", a weird mix of Christian and muslim names, they claim in this book that this person was a muslim from Afghanistan who was the son of a scholar and went to Mecca to do Hajj, asked Allah for one thing which was to give him the true guidance, then the book says they he accepted Christianity, the rest of the book is attacks on Islam that appear to be written by someone who has done a whole lot of research and is very deep into Islamic issues. It is very obvious that this book is false and forged, this is a way that is used quite a lot by Christians and even shi3a and the other misguided, lost sects who claim that Ahlul-sunna wal-jama3a do the same thing (go to Hajj and ask for true guidance and accept their sect .. ). Another book "Sudan rushes to God", giving a lot of stories about many people who came back to Xtianity, many of them are actually originaly Christians who strengthen their bond with the (Adden Al-Mansookh, deen Al-Kaneesah) unrighteous way. some other cases they to be originaly muslims. We say in answer "In Tastafti7o faqad Ja'akom Al-Fat7u", Sudan is rushing to Allah because Islamic...

User: fairfighter

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Uploaded: 2008-02-25

Duration: 14:05

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